Environmental, Occupational Safety and Health Policy
Compliance with legal requirements; Continual improvement
Strengthen communication; Build a Friendly workplace
Encourage employees involvement; Promote sustainable development
Fulfill environmental protection; Promote green production
Promises of Occupational Safety and Health
To create a safe working environment and a health-friendly workplace, we continuously promote safety awareness and education through ongoing safety campaigns and training. We set goals and implement environmental health and safety (EHS) engineering improvements. Through education, training, real-life case studies, and videos, we strengthen employees' awareness of occupational safety. We promote a "safety culture" and implement the threefold safety management approach of "self-care, supervision, and mutual care" to achieve our goal of zero occupational accidents.
That it is the priority and obligation of all managers to ensure safety and health of employees.
To prevent occurrence of work-related injuries, diseases, and accidents, hence protecting the safety and health of all employees, suppliers who enter the company and contractors.
To abide by all relevant government safety and health regulations and requirements as well as to establish relevant SOPs and methods.
To continue to improve the safety and health management system in order to create safe working conditions and good health and safety performance.
To encourage employees to provide suggestions for occupational safety and health and maintain a good communication channel between executives and employees.
To relay and communicate this measure and other safety and health related issues to employees, suppliers, clients, contractors, visitors and other stakeholders.
To continue to provide compulsory educational training to employees, suppliers and contractors to ensure that all parties have correct understanding and take appropriate actions regarding safety and health.
Occupational Safety and Health Objective
Long Term Objective: Zero Accident
Reinforce occupational safety and health management and sustainable development by conducting source management with full support from the executives. Establish a representative in each department to reinforce occupational safety and health management in order to achieve the goal of zero-accident.
Occupational Safety and Health Management Responsibility
The Occupational Safety and Health Center is defined as the first-level unit. The Occupational Safety and Health Center and staff take responsibility of preparing, planning, supervising and promoting matters of occupational safety and health management. Additionally, the department supervisor, the representatives of the labor designated by each department, and occupational safety and health officers conduct management by wandering around irregularly, finding problems and solving them immediately to create a safe workplace.
Promote Occupational Safety and Health Committee
The Occupational Safety and Health Committee is composed of occupational safety and health officers, managers of all departments, engineering technicians concerning occupational safety and health, health care worker for occupational health service, and labor representatives. Quarterly meetings are held to discuss such issues relating to occupational safety and health.
Occupational Safety and Health Management System
To provide a safe working environment for employees, all Taiwan facilities have been certified according to ISO 45001:2018 occupational health and safety standards and TOSHMS. We are committed to implementing occupational health and safety management policies that include compliance with government regulations, continuous improvement, risk elimination, fulfilling social responsibilities, enhancing communication and consultation, involving all employees, fostering a friendly workplace, and ensuring sustainable operations.
2023 Occupational safety and health prevention results
Occupational Safety and Health Performance
OSH Improvement Project
Employee Health Examination
OSH On-the-job Training
Exterior Training of OSH Certification
Regulatory Identification
Standardized Management Procedures
Chemical Management
Safety and Health Improvement Rewards
Contractors Management
Improvement Cycle
Use the P(Plan)→D(Do)→C(Check)→A(Action) improvement cycle to ensure effective management and prevent occurrence of occupational hazards. Actively participating safety and health related certification training and promote the occupational safety and health management system within the plant. Advocacy for safety and management will be led at the management level so employees can see THC’s determination in fulfilling its social responsibility and preventing occupational hazards and work injuries.
Occupational Safety & Health Improvement Project
To promote a culture of safety and mutual protection among employees and the Company, THC encourages employees to observe their working environment and suggest ways to improve safety. This proactive approach aims to reduce the incidence of accidents and injuries.
Identified safety and health hazards through hazard identification for work environment and operations, as well as the four major hazard identification plans, totaling 1,833 items. Based on these hazard identifications, they were included in the annual management plan for improvement, aiming to reduce safety incidents and recurrence of injuries.
Occupational Accident Statistics
Occupational Injury Statistics for 2023: There were 10 cases involving employees and 0 cases for workers that are not employed directly. The primary reasons identified were noncompliance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) during maintenance and inadequate supervision, reflecting insufficient safety awareness. Measures taken include safety and health education and training for personnel, engineering improvements at the incident locations, and increased use of warning signs.
Occupational Safety and Health Handbook
According to Article 34 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Occupational Safety and Health Code of Conduct, we attach great importance to employee safety and health and be informed of various work safety matters when joining the company to ensure that we are aware of work regulations, establish a good safety attitude, and review and update them regularly. In addition, we implement and improve safety culture for all employees.
Promote the Four Plans of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
To protect the rights of our employees and provide a working environment free from violence, THC takes appropriate preventive, corrective and punitive measures for workplace violence incidents.
Abnormal Workload Risk Management
To prevent employees from the morbidity risk of working shifts, working at night, and long working hours, THC has made the“Abnormal Workload Ailment Prevention Policy”to protect the health and safety of our employees.
Prevention of Ergonomic Hazards
To protect the health of employees, THC endeavor to prevent ergonomic hazards and musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace.
Protecting and Managing Maternal Health
In order to ensure the physical and mental well-being and occupational safety of pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding female employees,
THC has established “Regulations of the Maternity Health Protection at the Workplace.”
Health Promotion and Management
In accordance with the Regulations of the Labor Health Protection, THC contracts medical personnel and employs full-time occupational health nurses in workplace to provide healthcare management and service and assist employers matching workers in the appropriate work. They are in charge of planning and implementing health education, health promotion, and health guidance for employees, preventing workplace injuries and illnesses, and carrying out health consultation, hierarchical abnormal condition management of special health examinations, and first aid. In addition, they are responsible to assist employers and occupational safety and health personnel preventing work–related diseases and improving work environment so that the Company can protect the mental, physical, and social health of employees. Employee health and wellbeing matter to THC, so we provide annual health examination for all employees, and special health examinations are also provided for some units.
Occupational Safety and Health Awards