- Air Pollution Control
- Water Resources and Wastewater Treatment
- Climate Change & Energy Management
GRI Standards
THC prepared this report by the GRI Standards: 8 Principles for Defining Report Content. By materiality analysis, THC identifies sustainability topics of concern to stakeholders to serve as a reference for the report's disclosure, communicating with different stakeholders effectively. To make sure that the information disclosed in the ESG report meets the requirements of stakeholders, the material topics of this report are decide by four steps: “Stakeholder Identification, ”“Sustainability Topics Identification,””Materiality Assessment and Prioritization,“ and “Review and Discussion.“
Categories of Material Topic in 2023
Hon Chuan references the GRI Standards (2021) guidelines to structure this report according to the 8 principles. We employ a four-stage process to identify significant themes, analyze stakeholders' concerns, and assess the positive and negative impacts on sustainability issues. We prioritize these issues based on their level of concern and impact, effectively addressing stakeholders' interests.