Enterprise Information Security Organization
To enhance information security management, an Information Security Director and team have been established. The security team coordinates the formulation and execution of information security policies, risk management, and compliance audits. The Chief Information Security Officer regularly reports to the Board of Directors on the effectiveness of security management, trends, and technology issues. The "Hon Chuan International Information Security Policy" was announced on March 21, 2023, and the 2023 security execution results and 2024 goals were reported to the Board on May 9, 2024.
Cyber Policy
“To maintain the Company information security, conduct self-manage, and raise information security awareness.”
Cyber Security Risk Management Framework
The Information Security Team collaborates with information security teams from Taiwan and overseas subsidiaries to plan, execute, audit, and take action (PDCA cycle) to enhance information security management. They regularly review and optimize information security policies and protective measures to effectively implement security management.
Concrete Management Programs
Investments in Resources for Cyber Security Management
In 2023, the corporate information security measures implementation results:
Information and Communication Security Risks and Countermeasures:
Significant Information Security Incident:
Zero significant information security incident in 2023.